
Wai-iti Final Small

Our vision is to breed a functional, high-producing Romney with a balance of high fertility, outstanding mothering ability, high growth rate and excellent wool production; all this while being run under a challenging commercial environment.

Performance recorded for nearly 40 years, Wai-iti brings to the market high quality, modern-type Romney and crossbred rams.

Located at Puketiritiri, 30kms east of Masterton, a typically summer dry farm varying from easy to medium hill country. It is a farm of great potential and is proving to be an excellent environment to challenge our sheep. Very prone to predominant North West winds and with unreliable Springs and Autumns, we’re subject to typically dry east coast summers, meaning we usually run straight out of the dry and into tupping. The type of sheep we are breeding need to be robust and of the right type to firstly get in lamb as a hogget, then turn around and get back in lamb and wean to a high standard as a Two Tooth and in consecutive years. Puketiritiri also has very little natural shelter and with most of the farm at 1000ft above sea level it is very exposed to the cold southerlies that frequent us throughout the year, making new born lambs very reliant on their mothers’ mettle and natural mothering instincts.

We strongly believe that in order to supply our clients with rams that will deliver ‘the goods’, we need to be constantly challenging our sheep to identify those sheep that cannot thrive under commercial conditions.

Wai-iti ram performance is the product of modern, proven and progressive genetics coupled with good old-fashioned stockmanship.



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Contact Details

Zandy & Caroline Wallace
Phone: 06 3722551 | Mob: 022 658 0680
Email: zandyandcaroline@farmside.co.nz
126 Puketiritiri Road, Stronvar, New Zealand

Tim & Barbie Wallace
Phone: 06 372 2654 | Mob: 0274 417 732
Email: wai_itiwal@hotmail.com
